Probation Officer Career in Orange County, California

Orange County, California is home to deputy probation officers who have the distinction of working within one of the oldest and largest criminal justice agencies in California. The Orange County Probation Department, established 98 years ago, has offices in the cities of Anaheim (administrative), Santa Ana and Orange as well as field service offices in Laguna Hills and Westminster.

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The department operates under the belief that a proper balance between enforcement activities and supportive casework works best to protect the community. An equal emphasis is placed on offender accountability, offender competency and community security.

The Orange County Probation Department at Work

California judges can opt to split a felon’s sentence between jail and a period of supervised release known as “mandatory supervision.” The “split sentence” option only applies to less serious, non-violent, non-sexual felonies. Although both ordinary probation and mandatory supervision involve regular monitoring by a probation officer, the former sentence is in lieu of jail time while the latter is in addition to time spent incarcerated.

Approximately 20 percent of felony sentences in Orange County are split sentences. Mandatory supervision has been shown to relieve prison crowding and reduce recidivism. The transition from prison to a structured program works better than an unsupervised release.

The probation department is also responsible for ensuring the payment of court-ordered restitution. Probation officers assess an offender’s financial position and institute a monthly schedule of payments to the victim.

Recruitment Process for Probation Officer in Orange County, California

Deputy Probation Officer job candidates in Orange county must have a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, social work, psychology or a related field. Additionally, to become a probation officer in Orange County, candidates must meet all of the following requirements:

  • U.S. Citizen
  • At least 21 years old
  • Valid California’s driver’s license
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Ability to write detailed reports
  • Able to pass physical fitness and psychological tests
  • No felony convictions
  • Satisfactory background investigation

All new hires will have on-the-job training for six months and must complete the California Board of Corrections 200-hour certified probation officer training course in one year in order to become probation officer. The monthly salary for Deputy Probation Officers I is $4,466.80-$6,021.60.

How to Apply for Deputy Probation Officer Jobs in Orange County, CA

A list of open jobs can be found at Clicking on Deputy Probation Officer (if open) will show the job description and applicant instructions. Applications are available online or they can be printed out, completed and mailed to Orange County, Human Resources, 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92701-4062. A confirmation of receipt is sent to all applicants.

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Volunteer Opportunities with the Orange County Probation Department

Volunteer Probation Officers (VPOs) work with deputy probation officers. VPO duties include investigating cases, visiting probationers, verifying information and checking compliance. Working as a VPO is excellent preparation for a career as deputy probation officer.  Qualifications include:

  • At least 21 years old
  • Valid California driver’s license
  • No felony convictions
  • Ability to pass a background check and psychological evaluation
  • Willing to volunteer 20 hours/month for a period of one year

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