Juvenile Probation Officer Careers in Maui County, Hawaii

The number of youths arrested in Hawaii dropped over 43% from 2009 to 2010, while the violent juvenile crime rate in Maui County was 43% lower than that of the rest of Hawaii in 2010.

Over 60% of the 2,610 juveniles arrested in Maui County were males.

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Seventeen percent of the offenses were property crimes.  Over 15% were drug offenses.  Seventeen of the juvenile arrests were for committing crimes of a sexual nature, which represented less than 0.7% of the total cases.

Most of the offenders—21%–were seventeen years old at the time of their arrest.  Youths as young as nine or even younger represented 2.8% of the cases in Maui County.

How to Become a Juvenile Probation Officer in Maui County

Juvenile probation officer jobs in Maui County involve working for Family Court in the Second Judicial Circuit.  Such jobs entail having the ability to assess the risks and needs of juveniles who come before the court system and to supervise juveniles who are placed under their care.

Degrees – The requirements juvenile probation officers jobs in Maui County include having at least a bachelor’s degree, along with work experience.  Although the Second Circuit Family Court does not require any particular course of study for juvenile probation officer candidates, degrees in criminal justice or the human behavioral sciences such as sociology or psychology are generally advised for those seeking jobs as juvenile probation officers.

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Training – There is no standardized training for juvenile probation officers in Hawaii.  New employees learn how to become juvenile probation officers through training by their supervisors.