Probation and Parole Officer Career in the Paducah, Kentucky

Strictly in terms of the area covered, the first judicial district is one of the largest- if not the largest- in the state of Kentucky.

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The main parole and probation office in the first judicial district is located in Paducah and is responsible for supervising all probation and parole operations in the counties of:

  • Ballard
  • Caldwell
  • Calloway
  • Carlisle
  • Fulton
  • Graves
  • Hickman
  • Lyon
  • Marshall
  • McCracken
  • Trigg

There are also regional offices in the towns of Benton, Mayfield, Murray and Eddyville. With a diverse mix of rural and urban areas, as well as an increasing population, there are plenty of opportunities for people looking to get into the probation and parole department in the first judicial district, which is operated by the Kentucky Department of Corrections.

Education Requirements

Kentucky offers interesting opportunities because of the fact that officers are asked to perform both probation and parole duties. In many other states, parole officers and probation officers are separated into different departments and do not interact with each other on a regular basis. Since officers in the state perform both probation and parole duties, they are also granted peace officer status and are authorized to make arrests and are mandated to carry a firearm while on duty.

There are no work experience requirements in order to be considered for probation and parole officer jobs in Paducah and the rest of the first judicial district. The only experience requirement states that all applicants must at least have a bachelor’s degree from a university or college. Applicants without a bachelor’s degree will not be considered for the position, no matter if they have relevant work experience or not.

The Training Process

In order to obtain a probation officer job in Paducah, recruits must complete the training process and receive firearms certification. The training process is broken up into three phases:

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  • Phase One: Recruits will learn skill enhancement through a series of classes taught by professionals that have had long careers as probation and parole officers in the area. The skills learned include investigation techniques, arrest techniques, court testimony, case management, communication and counseling/ social work.
  • Phase Two: Level of Service/ Case Management Inventory is the next step in the process. Recruits will learn the intricacies of case management and dealing with offenders that may have substance abuse and mental health issues.
  • Phase Three: The final stage is receiving firearms certification from the state of Kentucky.

Recruits are required to complete 120 hours of training during their first year of employment with the Department of Corrections. After the first year, probation and parole officers are then required to complete 40 hours of additional training every year they are employed with Kentucky’s first judicial district.

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