Probation and Parole Officer Career in Multnomah County, Oregon

Home to Portland, Oregon’s largest city, as well as 680,000 residents, Multnomah County is the state’s leader in population and community supervision of probationers and parolees.  The Multnomah County Adult Services Division supervises offenders through programs like DUII Enhanced Bench Probation, Gender Specific Supervision, Gang Supervision and the Special Programs Unit.

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Probation Programs in Multnomah County

The Special Programs Unit is a reentry assistance program for parolees and probationers returning to society. This program utilizes a seamless transition from detention treatment for substance abuse and mental health treatment to similar remediation therapies in the community. The goal of the program is to minimize relapse into addictive behaviors and optimize likelihood for employment and self-sufficiency.

Probation and parole officers in the Gang Supervision Units employ an intelligence-based program that identifies gangs in the area, properly characterizes gang activity, and develops the most effective gang suppression tactics.  Officers work with members of families and the community to introduce strategies to limit contact and interaction with gangs, provide constructive alternatives to gang participation and utilize intensive supervision to curb anti-social behavior.

The DUII Enhanced Bench Probation program imposes strict terms for offenders who have committed a DUII.  This includes monthly fees, loss of driving privileges, prohibition on possession of alcohol, and participation in a DUII treatment program. Probationers are also prohibited from entering any business where sale of alcohol is the primary commercial activity. PPO supervision may vary in intensity depending upon the terms set by the judge, but any violations may result in immediate arrest and detention.

How to Become a Probation and Parole Officer in Multnomah County, Oregon

To be eligible for probation and parole officer jobs in Multnomah County, candidates must possess these qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in sociology, psychology, social work or a related subject
  • At least two years of experience in community corrections or social counseling
  • Valid driver’s license
  • Ability to obtain certification from the Board on Police Standards and Training
  • U.S. citizenship
  • At least 21 years of age
  • Knowledge of CPR and first aid

The salary for this job is between $50,153 and $70,574 annually, so competition for these jobs may be quite fierce.  The most competitive candidates possess advanced degrees like a Master of Social Work or a MBA.  In some instances, the experience requirement may be satisfied with an advanced degree or experience through volunteering or internships.

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Once hired, new probation and parole officers must obtain certification from the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards & Training within one year.  Officers must attend the Basic Parole and Probation Training Program, which is a three week course, as well as the Basic Parole and Probation Firearms Training Program which is one week in length.  As commissioned peace officers, probation and parole officers are required to re-qualify with firearms annually through 80 hours of additional training each year following the initial year.

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