Probation and Parole Officer Career in Hartford, Vermont

Probation and parole officers (PPOs) in Hartford serve a vital community interest. People on parole are allowed to leave prison early under supervision from a probation and parole officer, and those on probation receive a chance to live a law-abiding life outside of prison as long as they meet certain conditions. In both cases the prison population is reduced and rehabilitation efforts are more successful.

This is in large part thanks to the role probation and parole officers play in teaching offenders how to become responsible members of society. In March of 2013 there were 94 offenders in the Hartford probation and parole system.

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Education for a Career as a Probation and Parole Officer in Hartford

Candidates for probation and parole officers in Hartford are encouraged to first apply to work as correctional officers. This provides a valuable experience, allowing for the proper training to become capable of skillfully fulfilling the requirements of a probation and parole officer, a position to which correctional officers are routinely promoted. The required education for becoming a correctional officer is a high school diploma or GED and two years of full-time work, military service, or college experience.

For candidates who already have a certain degree of education and experience, it may be possible to be hired directly as a Hartford PPO. These applicants can qualify by meeting at least one of the following conditions:

  • A bachelor’s degree with major course study and experience in a human services or related field such as psychology, criminal justice, or social work
  • Four years of full-time employment as a law enforcement officer
  • High school diploma or GED and four years of experience in full-time employment working in a human services setting with clients

Training to Become a Probation and Parole Officer in Hartford

Probation and parole officers who are hired directly into their career will receive training in critical areas including:

  • Arrest procedures and subject restraint
  • Self-defense and use of force
  • Offender intake interview and evaluation
  • Community resource referral
  • Pre-sentence and pre-parole investigations for the courts
  • Assessment and evaluation of offender progress
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Candidates who begin their career path as a correctional officer will receive eight weeks of rigorous training comprised of:

  • One week of observation and orientation at a state correctional facility
  • Five weeks of training and education at the Correctional Officer Training Academy
  • Two weeks-worth of supervised on-the-job training at the correctional facility of hire

Applicants for either correctional officer or probation and parole officer positions can apply by monitoring Vermont’s jobs listings online for any vacancies. Candidates can begin the application process by creating an online resume and account with Vermont’s human resources department.

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